I joined Mandarin class since January and ongoing until now.
My Mandarin’s understanding and knowledge improved a lot! And now started to write which allows me to recognize a lot of Chinese characters. It is simply amazing whereby my language skills in Mandarin improved greatly whereby my Chinese friends are actually impressed with the improvement I made to the point they are actually scared of me cuz I understand what they are saying despite being a Malay and just started learning Mandarin early this year. Made my journey to Hong Kong and nearby China borders there, even though they speaks Cantonese but they are still able to guess what I wanted in Mandarin so I feel relieved a lot.
I really appreciate and glad to join Mandarin class provide by My Teacher Languages & Cultures. Once finishes Mandarin course, looking forward for other language classes available for me to improve as well. Perhaps Japanese or French for my future career and life endeavor as I am getting engaged soon to a Frenchman in near future. Thank you!-Neisha
I joined Mandarin class since January and ongoing until now. My Mandarin’s understanding and knowledge improved a lot! And now started to write which allows me […]
Signorina Gibboni from MyTeacher Languages is our Italian language teacher and we have spent up to fourty hours of learning together. My husband and I are […]
Myteacher has really helped me improve my Spanish. After 1 year of studying Spanish in school, my grammar and vocabulary were very poor. However, within 3-4 […]
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