
Khirenjeet Kaur at MyTeacher Languages, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Khirenjeet Kaur
May 23, 2017
johan at MyTeacher Languages, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
May 23, 2017


Waltson at MyTeacher Languages, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Learning a foreign language is never easy. However,our Italian language teacher, Lucia, is always so patient and helpful. So far I have learnt many useful tips from her. She is never shy of sharing her knowledge and useful tips to help you learn the language more effectively. Italian language is very cultural and historical. It can be confusing sometimes, which is why Lucia is always there to answer your questions! Italian language is a beautiful and useful language, so give it the respect it deserves. It cannot be learnt just by using google translate! If you are looking to learn Italian, Lucia is a great teacher, and this is definitely the place to come. Don’t forget to bring your dedication and hard work as well! Se lei crede che puo, sicuramente è possibile!



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